1. Juan Andres Bueno Hortua: Improving ensemble regression performance by optimally creating subsets of features from dataset for each base learner, Internship, https://mrt-pc1.mrt.maschinenbau.uni-kassel.de/MRT/Lehre/Aufgabenstellungen/2023-Juan-Bueno-Internship-BaggingEnsemble.pdf, MRT-Nr. 282, 2023
  2. Méndez Bohorquez, Miguel David: Integration of a Novel 3D Camera into a 3D Thermal Imaging System, Internship, https://mrt-pc1.mrt.maschinenbau.uni-kassel.de/MRT/Lehre/Aufgabenstellungen/2021-Mendez-IS-MotionCam3DThermalImaging.pdf, MRT-Nr. 264, 2022
  3. André Zanardi Creppe: Investigation of Ensemble Regression for small and sparse datasets, Internship, https://mrt-pc1.mrt.maschinenbau.uni-kassel.de/MRT/Lehre/Aufgabenstellungen/2022-Creppe-EnsembleRegression.pdf, MRT-Nr. 274, 2022
  4. Brian Avila: Improvement of a 3D Thermal Imaging System by IMU Data Integration, Internship, https://mrt^pc1.mrt.maschinenbau.uni-kassel.de/MRT/Lehre/Aufgabenstellungen/2020-IS-BrianAvila-IMUDataIntegration.pdf, MRT-Nr. 256, 2021
  5. Alvarez Sepulveda, Santiago: Advanced Methods for Compensating the Size of Source Effect in Thermal Imaging Cameras, Internship, https://mrt-pc1.mrt.maschinenbau.uni-kassel.de/MRT/Lehre/Aufgabenstellungen/2020-AlvarezSepulveda-IS-CompensatingSSE.pdf, MRT-Nr. 231, 2020
  6. Joya Quintero, Angel: Extension of the Process Modul II and Implementation of Level and Temperature Control, Internship, https://mrt-pc1.mrt.maschinenbau.uni-kassel.de/MRT/Lehre/Aufgabenstellungen/2019-JoyaQuintero-LevelandTempControlPI2.pdf, MRT-Nr. 234, 2019
  7. Aguirre Salazar, Daniela: Development of a Program Lambda-Multi-Calib for Geometric Camera Calibration in Different Spectral Ranges, Internship, https://mrt-pc1.mrt.maschinenbau.uni-kassel.de/MRT/Lehre/Aufgabenstellungen/2018-AguirreSalazar-IS-DevelopmentGeometricCameraCalibrationSpectralRanges.pdf, MRT-Nr. 265, 2019
  8. Alex Knaub: Generation and evaluation of simulation data in closed loop on the ALSTOM gasifier benchmark problem I, Internship, https://mrt-pc1.mrt.maschinenbau.uni-kassel.de/MRT/Lehre/Aufgabenstellungen/2017-Knaub-Internship-ALSTOMGasifierDataGenerationCL.pdf, MRT-Nr. 258, 2017
  9. Florian Giovannangeli: Development and implementation of an extended use case in the scale factory µPlant, Internship, MRT-Nr. 171, 2016
  10. Ghada El Bez: Steering of a crane with an heuristic algorithm, Internship, https://mrt-pc1.mrt.maschinenbau.uni-kassel.de/MRT/Lehre/Aufgabenstellungen/2015-ElBez-IS-CraneSteering.pdf, MRT-Nr. 148, 2015
  11. Déborah Saunders: Model on Demand Identification of a Processing Island in the Model Factory µPlant, Internship, MRT-Nr. 149, 2015
  12. David Hibbard: Dynamische Auslegung und Konstruktion einer Prozessinsel für die Modellfabrik µPlant, Internship, https://mrt-pc1.mrt.maschinenbau.uni-kassel.de/MRT/Lehre/Aufgabenstellungen/2014-Hibbard-PA-muPlant+Dynamikkonzept.pdf, MRT-Nr. 182, 2015
  13. Rangel González, Johannes Havid: Implementation of a Test Stand for Multi-Perspective Multi-Sensor Data Acquisition, Internship, MRT-Nr. 059, 2011
  14. Castañeda Villamil, Angelica Maria: Zur Regelung eines Portalkrans basierend auf inhomogenen TSK-Modellen (Diseño del Modelo de una Grúa Usando el Modelo de Tagaki Sugeno), Internship, MRT-Nr. 023, 2009