- Liu, C.; Kroll, A.
algorithms for optimal task allocation in multi-robot systems for inspection
problems with cooperative tasks.
Soft Computing, Vol. 19, No. 3, pp. 567-584, 2015.
Online First.
- Liu, C.
Multi‐Robot Task Allocation for Inspection Problems with Cooperative Tasks
Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithms.
Dissertation, Schriftenreihe Mess- und Regelungstechnik der
Universität Kassel, September 2014.
- Liu, C.; Kroll, A.
On the performance of different mutation operators of a
subpopulation-based genetic algorithm for multi-robot task allocation
In Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, In
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2014.
- Bonow, G.; Cramar, L.; Hegenberg, J.; Kroll, A.; Müller, A. O.;
Schmidt, L.; Soldan, S.
Mensch-Roboter-Interaktion und Mess-/Inspektionsstrategie.
Technical report, 2013.
Schlussbericht zum Forschungsprojekt.
- Liu, C.; Kroll, A.
A Centralized Multi-Robot Task Allocation for Industrial Plant
Inspection by Using A* and Genetic Algorithms.
In Rutkowski, L. e. a., editor, 11th International Conference on
Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, ICAISA 2012, LNCS 7268, pp.
466-474, Zakopane, Poland, April 29 - May 3 2012.
- Liu, C.; Kroll, A.
On Designing Genetic Algorithms for Solving Small- and Medium-Scale
Traveling Salesman Problems.
In Rutkowski, L. e. a., editor, International Symposium on Swarm
Intelligence and Differential Evolution, SIDE 2012, LNCS 7269, pp.
283-291, Zakopane, Poland, April 29 - May 3 2012.
- Barz, T.; Bonow, G.; Hegenberg, J.; Habib, K.; Cramar, L.; Welle,
J.; Schulz, D.; Kroll, A.; Schmidt, L.
Inspection of Large Industrial Environments - Insights into Research Project
In Aschenbruck, N.; Martini, P.; Meier, M.; Tölle, J., editors,
Future Security, Vol. 318 of Communications in Computer and
Information Science, pp. 216-219, Bonn, 4th – 6th September 2012.
Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Liu, C.; Yang, Y.-Q.; Cui, G.-L.
Wireless Measure System of Displacement Based on Eddy Current
In Microcomputer Information, Vol. 31, pp. 107-108, 2009.
Accepted for publication.