1. Guenther, T.; Kroll, A.   Localization of compressed air leaks in industrial environments using service robots with ultrasonic microphones.   In 32nd European Conference on Acoustic Emission Testing, pp. 173-182, Prague, Czech Republic, 7. -9. September 2016. European Working Group on Acoustic Emission, VUTIUM Brno.
  2. Guenther, T.; Kroll, A.   Automated Detection of Compressed Air Leaks Using a Scanning Ultrasonic Sensor System.   In Sensors Applications Symposium (SAS), pp. 116 -- 121, Catania, Italy, 20. - 22. April 2016. IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society.
  3. Hegenberg, J.; Herrmann, R.; Ziegner, D.; Schmidt, L.; Guenther, T.; Müller, A. O.; Kroll, A.; Barz, T.; Schulz, D.   Forschungsprojekt RobotAir: Praxistaugliches Boden-Luft-Servicerobotersystem für die Inspektion industrieller Druckluftversorgung und die Verbesserung der Arbeitsumgebungsfaktoren.   In Technische Sicherheit, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 16-22, Mai 2015.
  4. Weis, M.; Jannek, D.; Roemer, F.; Guenther, T.; Haardt, M.; Husar, P.   Multi-dimensional PARAFAC2 component analysis of multi-channel EEG data including temporal tracking.   In Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE, pp. 5375-5378. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Aug 2010.
  5. Guenther, T.; Weis, M.; Jannek, D.; Husar, P.; Wilms, A.   Polygraphic representation of anxiety disorder - a case study.   In 55th International Scientific Colloquium, pp. 488–492, 2010.
  6. Weis, M.; Jannek, D.; Guenther, T.; Husar, P.; Haardt, M.; Roemer, F.   Space-time-frequency component analysis of visual evoked potentials based on the parafac2 model.   In 55th International Scientific Colloquium, pp. 484–487, 2010.
  7. Weis, M.; Jannek, D.; Guenther, T.; Husar, P.; Roemer, F.; Haardt., M.   Temporally resolved multi-way component analysis of dynamic sources in event-related eeg data using parafac2.   In 18th European Signal Processing Conference, pp. 696–700, 2010.